These are some books and websites we’ve used throughout our investing journeys. Usual financial disclaimer: All investing is subject to risk. Although we recommend these, we can’t guarantee that following their advice will result in profits or guard you from losses. Please carefully consider any advice before following it, especially financial advice.
The superior returns of stocks come with risk. If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster.
— Don A.
These resources are from the official Bogleheads website. We don’t manage these pages.
- The Bogleheads Wiki
- The Bogleheads Forum
- Getting Started in Investing (highly recommended!)
- The Bogleheads Philosophy (also a video series)
- Advice for those living outside the U.S.
- Book recommendations and reviews
- Other suggested reading
- The life of John Bogle (also on Wikipedia)
- John Bogle’s blog, which includes many of his speeches
- The Finance Buff
- Humble Dollar, the personal finance blog of Jonathan Clements, author and former columnist with the Wall Street Journal, that is full of advice for saving, investing, and retirement planning
- Mad Fientist, a financial independence and early retirement (FI/RE) blogger and podcast host who specializes in tax reduction strategies, withdrawing from tax-advantaged accounts, and travel hacking
- Mr. Money Mustache, another popular (perhaps the most popular) FI/RE blogger who advocates Bogleheads-style investing
- Oblivious Investor
- White Coat Investor, whose investing and tax advice is particularly good for those blessed with high incomes (especially doctors—hence the name)
- You Need a Budget (We do not endorse the tool, but some find it useful. We are not compensated for this link.)
- Six books John Bogle recommends to investors
- Bogleheads
- Jonathan Clements, From Here to Financial Happiness (NYPL)
- Charlie Munger, Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffet’s company
Other Resources Coming Soon!
Feel free to post suggestions in our Google group.